February 6, 2010

InterLibrary Loan Came Through

In my quest to learn everything anyone could generically print about RV systems, I scoured the campus library for titles that could give me useful information. It turns out the Old Dominion University neglects to cater to the beginner's RV crowd and does not keep RV reference books in stock. Fortunately, they utilize the InterLibrary Loan program where you can rent books from libraries all over the world and have them shipped to a pickup library location of your choice. Other libraries in Virginia had the following titles available:

Both books came from libraries in Prince William County, more than 230 miles away!

RV Vacations for Dummies will give me an idea of living and emergency supplies to carry along with me. There are sections in this book that tell me what seems useful on the road for every "room" in our RV. It also looks like it is a campground locator published back in 2008.

Woodall's RV Handbook seems like it is just the comprehensive manual for every system in our RV from the engine that makes me move and the deep cycle batteries that power the house to detailed schematics of the water heater. There are tons of pictures and diagrams that will help me assess what kind of condition a road-worthy RV should be in.

My plan is to peruse through both books within the week for extremely useful information. Hopefully, this weekend will be nice and I can scrub the inside of the Rogue Leader.

If all goes well, I can test the water and propane systems this weekend.

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