February 24, 2011

Smooth Riding

My partner and I share a common love for Supercross. This sport lies at the heart of this long drive to Atlanta. We have teamed up so well to get things together and make this happen. I love how he gets us on the road by securing tickets to the stadium, ensuring that the motor home runs and functions, and fights the traffic behind the wheel. He enjoys how I make the trip like home by cleaning and sanitizing the motor home, engendering culinary creations, and bringing the remedies for most ride discomforts.

Most people I travel with argue about the music on the radio or bring their own headphones/media devices. We listen to podcasts that we love together. Where others would be annoyed at the many stops we have to make, we both make light of them. When traffic inconveniences, we find comedy in it all.

We really do complement each other.
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