February 24, 2011

On the road!

Problems with the RV have set us back a few hours, but thanks to an amazing Mobile Mechanic, we are able to comfortably hit the road. Prior to today, we drove the RV back and forth to work just to make sure it drives up to road spec. There were no problems getting to work, but upon departure this Tuesday, the RV did not want to run. When we turned the key, it would crank, but as soon as you let the key go, the engine would cut off. At first, we figured the engine was just cold and the fuel pump needed a minute to engage, but the fuel filter was full, so that idea went out. We shot it with starter fluid and it still wouldn't stay running. Finally, we decided to give her hell, turn the key, pump the accelerator, and let go, but still no dice. After turning and turning on the ignition to no avail, we blew the starter and that pretty much ended our attempt for the evening.

Wednesday morning, we called a man we found on Craigslist out to figure out what was wrong. He pulled the starter and found a broken ignition cable. After replacing them both, the RV was able to run and we could all relax.

Or so we thought.....

Upon departure from the work parking lot last night, the RV started, ran for about 20 seconds and then cut off. Desperately, we called Dana out again and he willingly came out to take a look at it at 8:00 in the evening. He pulled the ignition control box off and we saw that it had been both melted and covered in rust! It was in deep need of replacement, but that would have to wait for the morning. Though the website for Advanced Auto showed there were two in stock, the man at the counter said they had already sold. Luckily, the store by our mechanic's house had one and Dana said he would pick it up that evening and put it in first thing in the morning.

So at 8AM, we drive out to work where the RV was parked (for two days now) and there Dana is, putting in the ignition control box. By 8:06, the RV was running and by 8:30, we moved the RV home. It took us two hours to pack it and shower.

Now, we are embarking on our 12 hour drive to Acworth, GA!
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