June 13, 2010

Saturday, a Day for Rest

Despite the long ride we took on Friday, we still got up and took a parade lap down the Gap at noon. The rear tire on the R1 was completely flat and the front tire was deeply in need of replacement. We decided it would be best to take my Ninja 250 down the Gap with the group. We all stopped off at the Overlook for a large group picture and then took off to go our separate ways. We huddled down in a corner and got some great shots of Graves and McCoy blitzing through the corner before the Overlook. R1Buttercup, R1HotRod, Johnny, and I went back up the Gap and grabbed a bite to eat at The Deal's Gap Grille (aka The Crossroads of Time). R1HotRod, Johnny, and I took the Gap passed the Overlook and up to the 11 Mile mark where US 129 has been closed since the rock slide back in April. We rode the bike back up the Gap and then took a break to the campsite for showers and sleep before dinner.

The Yamaha dinner was amazing as usual. Different varieties of pasta salads, barbecue, vegetables, and dessert were served before McCoy thanked our sponsors and gave out prizes. Up for grabs were a couple of helmets, three sets of tires, carbon-fiber engine cases for an R6,
autographed 2008 Team Yamaha yearbooks, and a PowerCommander exhaust. Johnny and I won big last year, so we figured we couldn't luck out two years in a row. I was honored with the Ironbutt Award (to the dismay of many wives) for withstanding a 500 mile trip as a passenger on Friday. I got a convention T-shirt afterall!

We spent the rest of the night in the wilderness watching Motorhome Massacre and eating popcorn in the Home One (as we call the Rogue Leader when we park). What a vacation!

(Blog posted on mobile phone using AndroBlogger. Pictures will come later.)

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